Terms and conditions

By accepting the delivery of any service from CA Plus you are accepting the following terms and conditions.

1. Data Protection & Security

All information supplied to CA Plus will be used solely for the purposes of providing the service.  CA Plus shall take appropriate steps to ensure that access to this information is restricted to authorised staff.  We will comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and Privacy Regulations 1999. Please refer to our Data Protection Policy for further information.

2. Fees

The anticipated fees will be confirmed prior to service delivery.  You will be notified in advance of any proposed changes.  Further information about fees relevant to the services we provide to you can be found within the terms of engagement for individual services.

We prefer payment to be made electronically, but will accept cheques.

For payroll services we ask clients to set up a monthly standing order to cover regular charges.

3. Confidentiality

Unless we are authorised by you to disclose information on your behalf, we confirm that if you give us confidential information we will, at all times during and after this engagement, keep it confidential, except as required by law or as provided for in regulatory, ethical or other professional pronouncements applicable to us or our engagement.

4. Termination

All ongoing services with exception of Bookkeeping and Payroll can be terminated with immediate effect. You will be charged for any work or service that has been completed up to the date of termination.  Cancellation must be in writing to support@caplus.org.uk

We reserve the right to terminate service immediately if any client fails to cooperate fully with CA Plus requests and advice or if any client conduct is deemed inappropriate.

Payroll clients must give no less than 3 months’ notice in writing  by email to support@caplus.org.uk

Bookkeeping clients must give 4 weeks’ notice in writing to support@caplus.org.uk

5. Reporting & Whistleblowing

Please be aware that CA Plus operates within statutory regulation e.g. charity law and professional codes of conduct.  We may be obliged in certain circumstances to report matters of concern to third parties.

6. Client Identification

Under the Money Laundering Regulations (2017) we are obliged to confirm the identity of clients receiving our accounting, bookkeeping and payroll services. Each client will be asked to provide appropriate documentation for two current Trustees/Directors or committee members. We will keep verified copies securely within our client file management system.

7. Complaints

CA Plus is committed to providing the highest standards of customer care.  However, we appreciate that there may be occasions where we don’t get it right and we encourage anyone to get in touch to let us know so we can improve our service.

How to give feedback or make a complaint:

Phone: 0115 947 0839
Email:  support@caplus.org.uk 
Post: CA Plus, Units 1 and 2, North West, Talbot Street, Nottingham NG1 5GY

8. Terms of engagement 

Terms of engagement can be found below for the following services:




Financial Management Support

Accounts services are covered by a separate (signed) Letter of Engagement, proved by CA Plus upon our appointment.